explorations of the clumsy "cooks"

Saturday 2 April 2011

Because Cooking Is All About The Cooker, Not The Cookie or This Is Probably An Excuse For A Psychological Disorder

To start off, let me just say that contrary to popular belief, cooking for me is not therapeutic.

You know what’s relaxing and satisfying? It’s the affirmation you get when your family or friends eat your food. It’s the remark: “Wow. This is good. This is food-channel good!”

I think that’s my main reason why I cut vegetables and boil pasta. It’s the thought of gastronomical glorification from your peers. I never had a formal culinary training or any guidance from my Mom, which is by the way, the best maker of Lengua Estofado and Calloz Royale!

So making people around you satisfied with your food is really good. But making people say YOU’RE GOOD because they’re satisfied with your food is just pure bliss.

Yes. Affirmation is very therapeutic. As with any craft and skills you know. And apart from the indescribable joy I feel when someone praises my culinary prowess, cooking also taught me some life’s lessons.

What The Kitchen Taught Me About Life

1. Life is hard. Like the Oatmeal Peanut Butter Cookies I made. (Photo above: May cause accidental tooth extraction)
2. It’s OK to cry while mincing an onion. The crying onion while mincing you is not OK.
3. Savor life’s sweetest moments! Well, in the case of my Choco Lava Cake, savor the possibility of diabetes mellitus.
4. Like testing the pasta if it’s al dente, it’s ok to throw your self in the wall.
5. Everyday will be a fine dining experience as long as you know how to put rosemary or thyme.
6. Some people are like frozen chicken: frigid and hard to fry. Giving it enough time to thaw is the key.
7. Though it’s good to follow instructions, things will get more interesting when you swerve from the rules. Note: Interesting here may also mean disastrous.
8. You’ll never go wrong with chocolates. Well, for me it never did.
9. Never settle for a boring food. Spice it up! Even if it’s just Lucky Me pancit canton or plain iced tea. Always add a little more. Try almond extract in your next sachet of iced tea.
10. You don’t have to suffer with your own recipe. Share it first. Make someone your lab rat.

So here it is for my first entry. Let it be known from this day on that I am not cooking to please everyone. I am cooking because I want to facilitate everyone into pleasing me. This is the truth. Sad, but true.


  1. hahaha, so rye! now you had me convinced about your cooking principle. amen. by the way, can i order for your yummy lemon tuna pasta recipe?

  2. nice! magaya nga *competitive spirit on* but yes Virginia, your lemon tuna pasta recipe please ;-p

  3. Want my Lemon Tuna Pasta Recipe? Check out the back packaging of San Remo Penne Pasta. HAHAHA!
