There, the idea of "cook fest" was born.
The first cook fest-cum-welcome dinner-cum-late birthday celebration for Portia ended up with a delightful meal of Balsamic Chicken and Pears, Banana Bread, Lemon Tuna Pasta, Ripe Mango Shake and Margarita.
Why La Bouche, you ask? Here's the backstory. Blame the Yaya next door in Meleguas who, while doing the laundry, sings La Bouche's 90's hit "Be My Lover". We are convinced that her consistent star-quality performance has something to do with the "boys next door". The boys, of course flattered, deny this. The song is catchy. It is. So catchy that from the time the story spread among us until now it's so hard to keep ourselves from not singing it/to it and not influencing people nearby to hum with you. "Be My Lover" officially became the "soundtrack" of the first cook fest.
Pinoy Henyo is hard. Drunken Pinoy Henyo is harder. Drunken Pinoy Henyo with people who "THINK TOO MUCH" is the most difficult level. Deductive reasoning becomes useless if you have people who can think of millions of categories/subcategories that will not be sufficed with JUST a yes or no answer. (Example: Kakilala ko? NGO worker? Kamukha ko? May number ba ako nito sa phonebook ko? Nakikita ko ba ito madalas?) |
I am NOT Carlos Celdran!